Reducing Waste in Manufacturing Process of the Motorcycle Seat Lock

ธงชัย เพ็งจันทร์ดี, ชุมพล อินทร์มณี, คุณากร ธรรมวิจิตร์, อัญชลี ทองใบศรี, ชลิตา รัศมี


The objective of this research is to study the design of a clamp fixture used for work piece in order to reduce waste of the work piece resulting from spot welding in the production process of motorcycle seat lock. Based on the data collected from November 2014 to April 2015, it was found that there were a total of 11,780 pieces of waste where 6,717 pieces of waste was due to incorrect position of drilling holes, representing 57.02 percent of total quantity of waste. Based on the study and analysis of said problem, it was found that the problem occurred due to the inconsistency of the operational workers who were unable to clamp the work piece in a stationary and level position, which resulted in incorrect position of drilling holes after welding process. As such, the researcher has designed a fixture using the theory of drilling design and clamping devices to support the concept design of such device. After conducting a function test for a set period of time, it is found that this fixture helps prevent the problem of incorrect position of drilling holes and no more waste was found throughout the function test conducted from September to October 2015.


Waste reduction, Fixture, Spot welding, Motocycle seat Lock

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