Efficiency of Bagasse and Cassava Rhizome Activated Carbon on Dyed Silk Wastewater Treatment

อรนิจ อุปรี, สัญญา สิริวิทยาปกรณ์


This research aimed to study the proper temperature to prepare the activated carbon from bagasse and cassava rhizome and compare adsorbing ability of the activated carbon made from bagasse and cassava rhizome activated with sodium chloride and ash. The physical characteristics of these activated carbons were also investigated.The proper temperature to burned the raw materials into the charcoal with activation was at 900 degrees celsius. The charcoal before activated with sodium chloride and ash had the highest iodine number and molasses number. When comparing adsorbing ability, the results showed that overall bagasse activated carbon had higher iodine number than cassava rhizome activated carbon, with the highest iodine number at 655.68 milligram per gram and molasses number at 230.46 milligram per gram and from the study the physical characteristics of the activated carbon with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), bagasse activated carbon had high porous density with small and deep pore size. For cassava rhizome activated carbon that activated with sodium chloride, the porous density was high. However, when activated with ash the cassava rhizome activated carbon will be porous density lower. The activated carbon from both materials can be used for dyed silk wastewater treatment. As well as to adsorb the color and odor of the water and the air.


Activated carbon, Bagasse, Cassava rhizome, Lodine number, Molasses number

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