3D Motion Capture on Graphic Processing Unit using CUDA

อภิสิทธิ์ รัตนาตรานุรักษ์, ธนพนธ์ จันทรวงศ์สาลี, ไอราวัณ มงคลการ, ศิริชัย จูทิม


This paper presents 3D Motion Capture on Graphic Processing Unit using CUDA which is the framework for developing program on NVIDIA Graphic Processing Unit. The paper starts with analysis run time to construct each part of model such as right arm and right hand, left arm and left hand, head and body, right leg and right foot, left leg and left foot. We then implemented CUDA to this algorithm to execute the model construction algorithm on Graphic Processing Unit. The results show that average Speed up of Graphic Processing Unit is 73.74x on 96 CUDA cores.


Graphic Processing Unit, 3D Motion Capture, CUDA.

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