The Production of high quality wood vinegar.

อรัญ ขวัญปาน, ชนะกานต์ พงศาสนองกุล


The objective of the research is to produce high quality wood vinegar from
different types of tree, age, and moisture content of the raw wood, in a small scale
incinerator. The experimental were carried out in four part. The first part was constructing
the incinerator form the 200 liters metal tank. The second part was producing the
wood vinegar for Three different types of wood, i.e., grapefruit tree, guava fruit tree,
and mango tree. The third was pure wood vinegar. The final part was doing
physical and chemical analysis. The quality of the produced wood vinegar was
compared against the Thai industrial standard of wood vinegar no. 659/2547.
The process is as follows: 1. The oven moisture flue entrance temperature of
about 70 – 75 ํ C , next the fuel The smoke has a pungent odor. 2. Collecting wood
vinegar burning in the mouth for some time, temperature flue 80-85 ํ C , wood in the
stove to heat it accumulated enough to keep the temperature in the oven to rise,
during this gradual Reduce fuel entering the furnace Page and collecting wood
vinegar. Climate by dimming control or reduce the front-burner stove page 20-30 cm3,
to maintain the temperature in the oven as long as possible. Proper temperature flue
collecting wood vinegar about 85 – 120 ํ C , because as the gas in the timber is ejected.
3. Done making pure wood vinegar the wood vinegar being stored in a non-metallic
tank lid about 55-72 days do not be impacted, wood vinegar settling into 3 layers,
upstairs is light oil, midway is wood vinegar and below is tar.
The results showed that the wood vinegar produced from this method has
moisture content of 21%-45%, pH in the range of 2.4 to 3.4, and the specific gravity
between 1.0 to 1.07. The physical and chemical properties of the wood vinegar from
this research are complied with Thai industrial standard of wood vinegar no.659/2547.


wood vinegar

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จิระพงษ์ คูหากาญจน์. คู่มือการผลิตถ่านและ

น้ำส้มควันไม้. กรุงเทพมหานคร.

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ประกิตต์ โกะสูงเนิน. การพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์


ถ่านไม้แบบถัง 200 ลิตร, มหาวิทยาลัย

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